We craft artful content strategies for artists and galleries.

One image, a thousand stories.

We produce state-of-the-art video experiences  that dive deeper into the moving forces behind each art piece, exhibition and artist process. Effectively forging emotional connections and bridging the gap between collectors and audiences. Amplifying both artists and gallery's voice through social media engagement.


Content Strategy

We design and optimize cutting edge tailored content strategies crafted to propel your content into the spotlight, ensuring it reaches the eyes that matter most.

Video Production

We produce state-of-the-art video experiences that dive deeper into the moving forces behind each art piece, exhibition and artist process. Effectively forging emotional connections and bridging the gap between collectors and audiences while amplifying both artists and gallery's voice through social media engagement.

Multimedia & Podcast

Join the conversation, Elevate your gallery's brand with our unrivaled commitment to creativity and quality creating Podcasts that allow audiences to get closer to your artists, programs and unique vision.


Social media has the power to exponentially expand a gallery's reach, connecting with audiences worldwide and extending their influence far beyond what they ever imagined possible.

Galeria La Cometa unveiled its latest gallery in Miami with the debut exhibition "400 Blows" featuring the works of Colombian artist Miguel Angel Rojas.

For this event, we crafted a captivating video documentary, providing viewers with an immersive journey into the artist's world and the driving inspiration behind the exhibit. Our aim was to ignite curiosity among both seasoned fans of the artist's work and newcomers alike.

The QR Project

We're driven by a passion for innovative multimedia experiences that elevate and connect with audiences on a deeper level.

"The QR Project": Invites spectators to interact with artists or curators, via short videos about specific art pieces at exhibitions. Simply by scanning a QR code on their mobile devices to unlock interactive experiences.

Let’s have a 15 minute talk to explore what’s possible.
